Ancient Connections Gathering Vision

Envisioning the world we want to see is a human superpower we all possess, through our optimism, visionary abilities, and Spirit.
The team of this manifestation has big dreams that we truly trust in making happen…

Ancient Connections Gathering happened for the first time last year, summer of 2022.
The idea came through from a channel, calling upon a mission to gather us all together to create a space where we embark on new projects, building communities and social, ecological manifestations that enrich the life we live and the life we will leave behind for our children.
To awaken our consciousness through unity and sharing our gifts, inspiring one another,
and seeing the big picture of this world we are co-existing in.

Starting from Croatia, we make our way through the Balkans, reconnecting us all, who once were separated by force,
through a spiral motion of rebirth.

Our intention is that every gathering, we go make our way to a new place, planting seeds of conscious Loving, and on we shall go,
through the spiral, who knows, maybe spreading throughout the world.


A big part of our vision is deep reconnection, where we together make a sacred space for you to open your heart and connect with ancient souls you’ve once known and have the chance to meet again. Continuing our soul’s evolution with our soul family…
And that truly is what happens when we listen to the sacred voice of our intuition.

We also aspire to make environmentally focused projects in the future.
Consciously giving back to Mother Earth, with our firm hands, strong legs, bright minds, and warm hearts.
Who knows, maybe we start revolutionary new concepts through our Ancient Connections.
What will happen, we don’t know and don’t actually need to.
What we can do is be open enough to receive what is in store for us to experience.


The intention of these gatherings is purely for our collective evolution, opening up new portals of inspiration, and manifestations, that are naturally preparing us for life in communities, and societal rebuilding.

Which makes total sense when you know you are the creator. 😉

A true blessing it is to have this opportunity to share such a heartfelt vision of ours with you. 
The only way we can make this happen is together… So if you hear the sacred calling inside, join the tribe!