Support Us

Our Mission

At the heart of our community lies the Ancient Connection Gathering.

A tribe that brings it all together celebrates and cultivates connections to our ancient roots. 

We rely on the generosity and community spirit of supporters like you to continue growing and enhancing this event. Your sponsorship will make a significant difference whether you wish to contribute financially or through locally grown produce.

Financial Donations

Your monetary support allows us to create a memorable, engaging, and secure environment for all attendees. It helps cover the costs of everything from sound equipment and event logistics, to artists, performers and speakers who infuse life into our gathering. 

Every cent makes a difference, and no amount is too small.

How to donate

You can contribute by Scanning QR code bellow with your banking mobile app for an easier payment, or click on it to change number manually.
The default amount is 50 euros, but you can change it to any amount
Alternatively, you can reach out to us directly via email or phone for more information.

Donate Locally Grown Produce

In the spirit of our Ancient Connection Gathering, we also welcome donations of locally grown vegetables, grains, or fruits.
These fresh, wholesome foods contribute to the vibrant communal meals that brings energetic quality of our gathering. They also reduce our environmental footprint and support local farming – truly embodying our community’s ancient connection to the Earth. 

How to donate locally grown produce

If you’d like to contribute in this way, please get in touch with us directly or fill out the form with our grocery list below.
We can arrange to receive your donations or even come and collect them if necessary.

This is our general grocery list but you are very welcome to suggest your own energy plate.

Various fruits   

Donate Greenery - Contribute to our Green Legacy

To honor our connection with nature and emphasize the importance of sustainability, we’re thrilled to accept donations of plants, trees,  seeds and seedlings. 

These living donations not only enhance the atmosphere of our gathering but also contribute to our long-term goal of cultivating a greener, more vibrant community.

To arrange your donation or for more information, please contact us directly. Recognition for your green donation will be featured under ‘Green Sponsors’ during our gathering and on our website.

Your gift plants the seeds for our future, and for that, we are grateful.


Why Sponsor Us?

Kada odlučite podržati Ancient Connection Gathering, činite više od samog doprinosa događaju – doprinosite zajednici. Vaše sponzorstvo osigurava da naše okupljanje ostane stup lokalne tradicije, olakšavajući slavlje naše zajedničke baštine, poticanje veza i jačanje veza naše zajednice. 

U znak priznanja za vašu velikodušnost, svi sponzori će biti istaknuti tijekom okupljanja i na našoj web stranici. Ukoliko želite ostati anonimni, mi ćemo tu želju naravno poštovati.

Duboko cijenimo vašu velikodušnost i podršku u pomaganju da Ancient Connection Gathering ostane živ i raste. Zajedno možemo nastaviti njegovati korijene naše zajednice i slaviti veze koje nas sve ujedinjuju.

Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja ili trebate dodatne informacije o našem sponzorstvu, slobodno nas kontaktirajte. Vaša uključenost doista čini razliku.

Hvala vam na pažnji i njegovanju veze. 🙏

S ljubavlju i zahvalnošću, 
Ancient Connections Gathring Tribe